Monday, September 11, 2000

The Magic 8-Ball

One of the characters in Glamorama mentioned the Magic 8-Ball. So that's what it is.

Thursday, September 07, 2000

Shall I compare thee to a bunsen's flame?

As part of my continuing mission to seek out new ways to avoid working on my thesis, I've hyperannotated the latest flowering of Bren Vaughan's genius on s.c.i.:

Shall I compare thee to a bunsen's flame?
Thou art more lovely and have higher temperature:
Carcinogens do shake your Darling threads of DNA,
And the butter substitute is past it's Best Before Date,
Sometimes too loud the transgenic mouse whines,
and often is his third ear trimmed:
And every electron's glare sometime declines,
by chance or a giant atomic particle accelerator, unrimmed.
But thy eternal plutonium shall not degrade,
nor lose possession of that fair thou glowest;
Nor shall Gore brag thou wanderest in his shade,
When in ISDN lines to time thou goest:
So long as men can PCR or HPLC,
So long tests this, and this gives Science to thee.